Friday, May 10, 2019

Television advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

television advertising - Essay Exampleising is near similar to radio advertising only that it combines audio and visual information a typical goggle box advertisement would be ten to sixty seconds in duration (Entrepreneur, 2014). Television advertisements are often situated at strategic breaks in the course of the main programming as well as in the course of the last few minutes until the top of the next hour. For instance, a television advertisement programme during a live event such as the Olympics or the Super Bowl attracts the attention of billions of effectiveness customers. Television commercials are generally more expensive to produce and broadcast compared to other advertising options besides is more appealing to audiences and reaches a broader audience simultaneously since they are both audio and visual. Given that individuals communicate at least four hours in front of the television and a majority of households own a T.V. set, television advertising remains one of the most effective marketing approaches, the prevalence of new media platforms notwithstanding. Television advertising entails devil main tasks including creating a commercial that is acceptable by broadcasters on the basis of describe broadcast standards as well as placing the advertisement strategically to reach the largest number of viewers possible. The refinement of television advertising requires the professional input of production companies and advertising agencies with appropriate experience in the two tasks outlined above. Television advertisements increasingly feature songs or specific musical themes that are designed to standoff audiences and to be memorable so that they can remain in the minds of the audience even long later on the ad campaign has passed. Many television ads also exploit humour as a inventive tool, since it is strongly associated with advertising persuasion psychologists have attempted, in numerous studies, to explain the impact of humour on adver tising persuasion.Headquartered in Germanys city Bonn, T-Mobile

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