Thursday, January 30, 2020

Sociological Imagination Essay Example for Free

Sociological Imagination Essay The study of the social world in addition to sociological imagination contests the individualistic and naturalistic approach to the analysis of social forces that mould human behaviour in contemporary society. The interrelated social concepts that influence human behaviour challenge both explanations through suggested theories, empirical investigation and critical analysis hence, illustrate difference in perception. A direct interpretation of sociology, as defined by the writers of the text, ËÅ"Sociology: Themes and Perspectives is,  ¦Ã‹Å" the study of society. (R. Van Krieken, P. Smith, D. Habibis, K. McDonald, M. Haralambos, M. Holborn 2000:05). The study reveals mixed assumptions and perspectives of the institutions of the social world and how it influences the development of social behaviour. It challenges ideas and factors outside an individual for the pattern of human behaviour, that is, an external view. (E.C. Cuff G.C.F. Payne 1979:09). Understanding the patterns of individuals and groups in society as a whole is accepted as a scientific venture. Thus, it engages in theoretical assumptions that are empirically tested via systematic methodology and critically analysed after research results are displayed. (A. Giddens 1997:12). Sociology can only act as a window, suggesting viewpoints that may assist in a greater understanding of society. It will never determine the ËÅ"truth as a concluding result. (E.C. Cuff G.C.F. Payne 1979:09). The distinctive characteristic of sociology is the concept of being able to think beyond what is logically obvious in a particular situation concerning an individual or a whole population. It also reflects the position of an individual within the barriers of a social institution within society. This concept is referred to as ËÅ"sociological imagination. Author of ËÅ"The Sociological Imagination: The Promise, C. Wright Mills, establishes the significance of ËÅ"personal troubles, stating that, ËÅ"Troubles occur within the character of an individual ¦they have to do with his self ¦a biographical entity ¦ a private matter: values cherished by an individual are felt by him to be threatened and ËÅ"public issues as, ËÅ"An issue, in  fact, often involves a crisis in institutional arrangements ¦ (C.R. Mills 1959:08-9). The exemplification of unemployment can be adapted to illustrate the framework of sociological imagination as a means of perspective. In the working field of a society, an individual is depicted as unemployed in contrast to the employed members of society. The individualistic situation is viewed as a ËÅ"personal trouble therefore theories based upon the character, skills and available opportunities of the individual are critically analysed and considered as possible explanations. Conversely, a group of individuals labelled as unemployed, are juxtaposed to the remaining employed members of the society. The circumstances are presented as a ËÅ"public issue and individualistic factors are no longer the case. The institutional arrangements of the society are contested critically, judging the social structure rather than examining each individual separately. Sociological imagination demonstrates the variation between the sociological perspective, that is, examining society as a whole, with the individualistic explanation of conforming to personal solutions contained by an individual. (C.R. Mills 1959:09, 2000:05-6). The naturalistic explanations of human behaviour, in terms of biology, suggest the theory, ËÅ"it is only human nature. (2000:06). The sociological perspective applies a critical approach, debating the idea of natural occurrences in the pattern of human behaviour. Social behaviour, perceived on sociological grounds, is acquired by the social force of culture, which is used as a theory against naturalistic or biological interpretation. The concept of culture generates the notion for change and permanence of societies in local, national to global contexts. It also refers to customs, beliefs, values, associated language and traditions that are learned and passed on from generation to generation of a particular community in society. A theoretical statement that is proposed and challenged by both explanations is the idea of ËÅ"parents loving their children. (2000:06). Naturally, parents express strong emotions towards their offspring as a result of biological structure. However, sociological perspective explores beyond the stated assumption and examines the issue on a cross-cultural basis. Empirical research submits the view of China and the involvement of illegal adoption schemes, the limited interaction between parents and  children of European backgrounds with regards to boarding schools and the contact of a nanny during most of the growing ages of a child. Sociological imagination supports the concept of culture as a means of determining the patterns of social behaviour of individuals in society. A key role that also plays a part in moulding human behaviour is the social force of socialisation. It is a process of interaction between individuals and groups of a society. The knowledge is shared, learned and transmitted within small groups and large systems. Socialisation is promoted throughout a mixture of agents where the process occurs. A naturalistic perspective views this notion of communication as,  ¦Ã‹Å"an essential component of being human ¦ otherwise, known to be biologically inherited. (2000:08). The sociological assumption to the theory of skill adaptation, argue that the exposure of being in contact with other human beings assists in the development of social behaviour. However, the assumption does not contradict the biological theory of inheritance, it simply suggests that a considerable amount of identity development is produced from the social environment, that is, the agents of socialisation. The evidence of ËÅ"wolf children empirically justifies the need for human interaction in order to evolve an identity. (2000:08). The perceived theoretical explanations, supported by empirical evidence for the development of patterned human behaviour, demonstrate a differentiation that is critically contested between both evaluations. The perspective of functionalism in association to sociological imagination, practiced in the work of Emile Durkheim, may be interpreted on a biological level. Distinctively speaking, the human body may be exemplified as an aid to enhance the understanding of society as a whole. The different parts of the human body are linked, therefore understanding the relationship between them, formulates a basic conception of the organism as a whole. (2000:13, A. Giddens 1997:08-9). The Marxist feminism perspective views the position of women in society within the structural form. Sociologically, women are a form of underclass in the working class society of the economical system. The type of work and  duties carried out in the institution of the home is unrecognised in the macro world. As a result, women undertake low-status jobs in the workforce, this action is known as a, ËÅ"reserve army of labour. (2000:20). The radical Marxist perspective suggests that females in contemporary society lack equality due to the biological difference of their body structure. Thus, the removal of the reproductive system is said to alleviate male patriarchy. The variation of the natural theory in contrast to the social idea is evident within the critical analysis of the position of women in society, hence moulding the social behaviour of individuals with regards to the status of women. (A.Giddens 1997:10). In conclusion, the emphasis on critical analysis between the sociological perspective and imagination in opposition to the individualistic and naturalistic approach illustrate differentiation in suggested theories. The dissimilarity articulates solid empirical evidence supported by both sides of perspectives, therefore challenges the social forces of culture, socialisation and identity that manipulate and mould the human behaviour in contemporary society. The connections like functionalism and Marxism, branch out from the perspectives to function as padding, placing a conceptualised interpretation of social behaviour with regards to society. The process of learning sociologically is, ËÅ"looking, in other words, at the broader view ¦cultivating imagination. (A. Giddens 1997:03). Sociology does not determine an accurate response to the theories placed upon society. Nevertheless, it can supply a greater capacity for understanding the society as a whole via the linkages of sociological imagination and individualistic and naturalistic angles.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Wedding Toasts - Best Man, Brother of the Groom Essay -- Wedding Toast

Wedding Toasts - Best Man, Brother of the Groom Good Evening! I’m standing up here tonight, pretty boastful I have to admit, of my brother, Bobo, and his bride Twiggy. I have come to sing their praises, and if I happen to embarrass either one of them in the process, I apologize right now! On behalf of our family, we want to welcome each of you to the wedding today. It is a true testament to Bobo and Twiggy that you have taken time from your busy schedule to come and witness their marriage. I have never seen a more beautiful bride than Twiggy, and my brother looks just plain button busting proud, doesn’t he? Bobo and Twiggy do not come lightly into this marriage. They have each led successful lives up to this point, and each is a wonderful individual alone. However, as wonderful and unique each of them is, together they make the perfect couple! Bobo, a man of patience,...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Spel Case

After killing the friend who was left with the shortest straw, the remaining plunders are rescued a couple weeks later and shared their story with their community. The friends are soon met with charges of homicide and disapproval from the public for their lack of moral awareness. This essay will argue that murder is Justifiable when the reality of grim conditions exists. Consequences from such an action do not come to mind when decisions are based solely on emotions and not made with morals and ethical obligations set by society.The spelunkers depended on the murder of one of their friends in order to survive. In a normal situation, these friends would never purposely hurt, let alone ill, one another. The Intent of the person killing Is something to consider. When confronted with the dilemma of having Limited resources, killing each other was the only option for food. The special circumstance these friends were faced with, led too violent act of survival. The spelunkers waited a week after being trapped before normally commit, but cannibalism is something they would not practice either.The thought of eating human flesh to the average person is not desirable. But when put in extenuating circumstances, the reasonable person would do anything in order to live. The immense amount of pressure the friends experienced in making this decision was heightened by the hunger in their bellies and the fear in their hearts. Still, aggression and violence is usually associated with murder. That is not the case in this situation. There was no plan to purposefully and maliciously kill one of their friends before they were trapped.Death was the inevitable future of the four friends and the act of killing the randomly chosen friend brought that reality forward. The system that the spelunkers chose in picking who would die for the greater good of the group was a fair method. One person was not singled out to be killed for any other reason besides having the shortest straw and to be the emergency food source. This is validates that killing one of their friends was only to increase their chances of living. Murder, even though a drastic measure to survive, was absolutely necessary due to the reality of their dire situation.Once the spelunkers were caved in, the reality of their fate was sealed and the probability of surviving this disastrous event was unlikely. The friends had no idea that a trip full of adventure and fun would lead to such a tragic decision. When the subject of reality comes up, the idea of life and existence follows. Human beings have instincts that help them adapt and thrive in unfortunate mishaps. When lives are threatened or challenged, the truth is, people will do anything in their power to save themselves. The case of the spelunkers is no different.Even though the idea of having to kill and eat their friend is unwelcome, it was the best option for survival. There are some things in life that are uncontrollable and the natural occurrence o f a cave-in is Just that. The spelunkers had no connection to the outside world and the session to kill and eat another human was made in the security of their own world, away from the rules of society. Though unintentional, the reality of the spelunkers' situation led to an irreversible decision, in which the consequences were an afterthought.Consequences usually have a negative connotation associated with them. The dire circumstances in which the friends were in, led them to make choices in order to survive. The repercussions the three friends would face were an afterthought in light of trying to survive. In the moment of making the decision to kill another human eyeing, the last thing on their minds was what people would think of them afterwards. They were simply trying to live. Instead of being regarded as brave and courageous in the eye of death, the remaining spelunkers were shamed and ostracizes from society for killing their friend.To be snubbed by the community where one li ves is very difficult to process, especially after the ordeal they Just went through. Then to be categorized as murderers and charged with homicide is unfair. The rules of law should not apply to special circumstances like the case of the spelunkers. If the here friends had not killed their friend and ate him, they would not be alive to tell their story. The consequences of being shunned by the community and being charged with murder, though unanticipated, undoubtedly stirred up emotions of guilt and shame for doing what they needed to do in order to survive. Tit feelings such as fear, despair, or hopelessness, the human mind can make decisions it would not normally. The spelunkers went through a spectrum of emotions before and after the killing of their friend. Being presented with such a calamitous situation, such as being trapped in a cave, can induce a state of panic and anxiety. As much as the four friends wanted to stay calm and wait patiently for help, the idea of dying was t oo frightening. The simple fear of not being able to survive due to limited resources prompted the idea of drawing straws.After the straws were drawn, reality set in that one of them would be eaten. And for the three friends to not feel remorse or guilt after killing their friend was nearly impossible. This act was not an easy one and the remorse and guilt will not go away. Without the sacrifice of the friend who died, none of the men would be alive. The friends are grateful and appreciative for their friend's sacrifice for them to live, yet sad and remorseful that their situation led them to that conclusion.Since the spelunkers were faced with fear they may not live, they acted with their emotions instead of the morals they would have normally abided by in everyday life. Having morals helps people chose from right and wrong doings. For the most part, the majority of humans would not result to violence or murder in a normal, everyday circumstance. There must be a catalyst for such b ehavior. In the case of the spelunkers, their feelings superseded moral consideration based on the fear of death. The emotionally charged spelunkers thought with their hearts and not with their minds.So is the difference between emotions and morals. The friendships that the four men shared were strong and the loyalty they had to one another was proven by the participation in drawing straws. This moral dilemma was the ultimate test of the bond the friends shared. The three friends should not be held responsible for murder based on their limited options of survival. The men's' morals did not come into consideration when trying to fight to stay alive. Though the decision to kill their friend for the benefit of the group's survival is questionable, the spelunkers should not be charged with homicide.Killing someone under any other circumstance is a plausible reason to arrest and charge someone of murder. But the reality of the situation is, if the spelunkers had enough resources and if e motions such as fear for survival did not exist, murder would not have occurred because their morals would tell them that the consequences for such action, such as the absence of their friend, being charged for murder, and being ostracizes, was not worth it. The truth is, the spelunkers had no other choice but to omit this powerful act if they wanted to stay alive.And, if they had not killed their friend, four people would be dead instead of Just one person. Every day, people are faced with moral dilemmas and controversial subject matters. Those people are no different than the spelunkers. Although the circumstances surrounding this controversy are not a normal, fear can drive people to do things they would not typically do. If the roles were reverse and if anyone else were in the place of the spelunkers, it would be a challenge for people to accept death without trying everything they could to survive.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Essay about Getting to know a few Differential Private...

1.2. Differential Privacy to the rescue. Privacy is a major problem these days. Cheaper memory has led to immense amount of data continuously being accumulated in various databases across the world, from universities, companies to patient records, content and link graphs of social net-works, mobility traces in cellular networks, book and movie ratings, etc.—and there are many socially valuable uses to which it can potentially be put. But, as Netflix and others have discovered, even when data collectors try to protect the privacy of their customers by releasing anonymized or aggregated data, this data often reveals much more than intended, especially when it is combined with other data sources. This calls for the need to immediately†¦show more content†¦Such a method is highly applicative for a wide variety of applications, be it Netflix or Twitter data to be analyzed by a Data Scientist. An adversarial querier could not, for instance, obtain an accurate answer to the query â€Å"Has John followed Mark?† because the cost of such a query would exceed any reasonable privacy budget. Even though everything seems fine till now, the adversary can still attack the user’s data. This is because we have assumed that all that the adversary can notice is the output of the query. However, the adversary can also notice the time taken for the system to reply to the query. Such observations can be exploited to mount a covert-channel attack. To continue with our earlier example, the adversary might run a query that always re-turns zero as its result but that takes one hour to complete if John Doe follows Mark and less than a second otherwise. Both Airavat and PINQ would consider such a system to be secure since the output is differentially private. However, the adversary can still learn with perfect certainty whether John follows Mark—a blatant violation of differential privacy. Fortunately, the user’s access to the database only via queries leads to channels like power consumption [9] and electromagnetic radiation [5, 8] being ruled out, henceforth, leaving the adversary with just two channels: the privacy budget and the query completion time. TheseShow MoreRelatedEssay on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Reimbursement1324 Words   |  6 Pagesconsolidate, and take some measures. I would like to discuss some issues and steps APNs must take regarding reimbursement as followed. First, why do APNs not receive equal reimbursement? The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission examined the payment differentials between the clinicians and physicians. Since the nature of billing codes is imprecise, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services was not able to distinguish the different categories of clinicians who provide similar services. 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